Ini adalah halaman khusus untuk melaporkan bug pada Igniplex v3 (versi sebelumnya di halaman ini).
Igniplex dibuat dengan sepenuh hati dan teliti. Namun mustahil ada hal yang sempurna. Maka dari itu saya meminta semua pengguna untuk melapor dengan cara memberikan komentar jika menemukan bug atau celah dari template ini agar bisa diperbaiki di versi berikutnya. Saya akan sangat menghargai itu.
Terima kasih banyak.
- Khusus di halaman ini, kamu DILARANG memberikan komentar percobaan. Silakan lakukan testing komentar di halaman lain.
- Kotak `Related Post` dan `Iklan Tengah Artikel` sengaja dihilangkan. Silakan lihat pada halaman yang lain.
<div class='content'>
nulis elemen div, details (fitur accordion), elemen ol sama li dan beberapa elemen lain
kadang tampilannya jadi berantakan, kadang fitur Tabs nya jadi gak berfungsi (gak bisa diklik menu-menu nya), kadang juga isi dalam class si "content" gak muncul sama sekali.
Any li in div "content" or "content visible" of div "tabs" will block tabs and they buged =(
i cant add all i want into Related Bottom (date for example or label)
Also images if google have bug of center crop (its old problem what not fixed a years). So some previews not centered https://i.imgur.com/SpBW0ki.png
this problem can be fixed by remove part of image url
its need to do this w150/bg-mf1.jpg
instead of this w150-h150-p-k-no-rw/bg-mf1.jpg
i fixed some previews at main page and popular widget, but for related posts (middle and bottom) and bookmarks widget it can't be fixed because its a part of code, what is obfuscated. This and other problems below is a big problems. I want to buy template, but if code there is obfuscated, then i see no reason to buy, because alot things i cant fix by my self. Regards
after click on "Muat artikel"
Adress url become is .../search?updated-max=2024-08-30T00:28:00-07:00&max-results=12
and if you press F5 your page changing =\
best solution for this is make page redirect to main or somehow not add this part into adress
You can make sure here https://smartmag-pbt.blogspot.com/
in posts with single label until i create second post with same label
Expected result no button because no results for next page
and same problem for Recent Posts with button "Muat artikel"
Last buttin "Muat artikel" shows even if no results of next page
(IGNIPLEX) Headings are less than 2. Cannot generate TOC.
because of this problem in post the images and related posts are not loading
i tried in Configuration TOC type set up to 0
toc: {
type: 0,
title: 'Daftar Isi',
selector: 'h2, h3, h4',
overlay: false,
but it only hide TOC, and error is not dissapears
Also i want to create my own simple TOC https://i.imgur.com/WQGhGIL.png and it doesn't work because of yours one. and type: 0 not disables code
its a big problem, idk how to fix
contoh tombol close tertutup : https://i.ibb.co/jbksx4L/Screenshot-20240505-093504-2.png
yg kedua: https://i.ibb.co/8b8Ykrx/Screenshot-20240505-092758-2.png
dn kalo bisa sih fitur lightbox image nya bisa disesuaikan lg supaya gak otomatis ke semua gambar di postingan gt. terima kasih.
1. Dibuat jika melewati batas bagian header menu, maka menu dropdown bakal turun ke bawah yang masih dalam satu area
2. Dibikin bisa slide
3. Posisi menu pindah
FItur yang diharapkan, slider di home bisa ditampilkan dalam bentuk portrait kayak Custom Post 4B
Barangkali ada kepikiran buat nambah model Related Posts seperti menurun ke bawah. Ada niat untuk dibeli tapi berharap ada tambahan model pada tampilan di Related Posts.
Seperti itu mba 🙏
+ In dark mode, the comment form background remains white.
+ When the image is opened in "Gallery (Swipe)" Safari mobile, the image remains in the background and looks blurry.
However, in our theme, the pop-up window with "Delete Comment, Copy Link, Visit Profile" buttons does not close even when we click on the empty space. Moreover, when you press the same place in another comment, both of them remain open. The same problem applies to "Bookmarks" in the menu above.
2) Comment form is provided by Blogger / Google using iframe. We cannot toggle the text color. However, some developers use a "neutral" color like gray so the text still visible on dark mode. I don't really like this idea because the visibility is not that good. So I use white background to make the text still visible in dark mode.
3) Igniplex use 3:4 image ratio. Zoomed images normally because user use a different ratio.
For the Safari browser, I'll check it right away.
+ Announcement boxes, will look better in dark mode with different colors. It currently has the same colors in both looks.
Also, I'm sure it would be more perfect if the dark mode could be automatically adjusted according to the system.
+ I would like to use icons similar to the existing svg icons to add to the theme. But I couldn't find any results about which source was used. It would be nice if the name of the source of the svg used or sample svg codes were added to the documents.
+ A more pleasing style can be added for form boxes such as Text Area (Text Field) and Form Props. When clicked, the placeholder (textarea title) moves (pops out) at the top or can react with a color effect. The any form may have a text box that will react when clicked. I hope I could explain.
Sister, I think I stated too much.😊 I'm sorry about that.
Nunggu 3 hari dulu. Kalau masih diblokir baru ganti CDN.
blog saya catatan.qowim.net
How to change navigation to Infinitescroll as i can't see an option to change in documentation???
Bug dark mode ini baru sekali dilaporkan. User lain tidak mengalaminya. Jadi boleh diinfokan pakai Windows berapa dan Chrome versi berapa?
Kecuali yang habisnya di 2022 masih bisa ada kompensasi dapat v3.
cuma membacakan beberapa kalimat saja diawal, setelah itu diem aja