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Bug Report v3 (Laporkan Bug)

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Igniplex Bug Report v3

Ini adalah halaman khusus untuk melaporkan bug pada Igniplex v3 (versi sebelumnya di halaman ini).

Igniplex dibuat dengan sepenuh hati dan teliti. Namun mustahil ada hal yang sempurna. Maka dari itu saya meminta semua pengguna untuk melapor dengan cara memberikan komentar jika menemukan bug atau celah dari template ini agar bisa diperbaiki di versi berikutnya. Saya akan sangat menghargai itu.

Terima kasih banyak.

  • Khusus di halaman ini, kamu DILARANG memberikan komentar percobaan. Silakan lakukan testing komentar di halaman lain.
  • Kotak `Related Post` dan `Iklan Tengah Artikel` sengaja dihilangkan. Silakan lihat pada halaman yang lain.
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  • Master
    16 October, 2024
    lapor bug yang sangat merepotkan nih mba. fitur TABS. Ada beberapa elemen yang gak bisa ditulis dalem elemen TABS ini :

    <div class='content'>
    nulis elemen div, details (fitur accordion), elemen ol sama li dan beberapa elemen lain

    kadang tampilannya jadi berantakan, kadang fitur Tabs nya jadi gak berfungsi (gak bisa diklik menu-menu nya), kadang juga isi dalam class si "content" gak muncul sama sekali.
  • lmiol
    16 September, 2024

    Any li in div "content" or "content visible" of div "tabs" will block tabs and they buged =(
  • lmiol
    08 September, 2024
    accordion, boxes blue, green, red and other colors are not adapdted for dark theme
  • lmiol
    02 September, 2024
    you made Related Bottom obfuscated so it can't be changed by css style and fix some parts of URL
    i cant add all i want into Related Bottom (date for example or label)
    Also images if google have bug of center crop (its old problem what not fixed a years). So some previews not centered
    this problem can be fixed by remove part of image url
    its need to do this w150/bg-mf1.jpg
    instead of this w150-h150-p-k-no-rw/bg-mf1.jpg
    i fixed some previews at main page and popular widget, but for related posts (middle and bottom) and bookmarks widget it can't be fixed because its a part of code, what is obfuscated. This and other problems below is a big problems. I want to buy template, but if code there is obfuscated, then i see no reason to buy, because alot things i cant fix by my self. Regards
    • lmiol
      02 September, 2024
      the only one way to add custom related bottom (language of date as i said below) or fix wrong image centering is make to my own related bottom
  • alip
    01 September, 2024
    Lapor min, di meta deskripsi pas posting di bagikan ke Facebook Judul artikel sama deskripsi sama, jadi yg harusnya tertulis deskripsi malah judul artikel nya,
  • lmiol
    30 August, 2024
    I am QA, and english isnt my native language. But if you interested i can send you all bugs with steps of reproduce via telegram or discord. Regards
  • lmiol
    30 August, 2024
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  • lmiol
    30 August, 2024
    Also here is another bug and bad userexperience logic:
    after click on "Muat artikel"
    Adress url become is .../search?updated-max=2024-08-30T00:28:00-07:00&max-results=12
    and if you press F5 your page changing =\
    best solution for this is make page redirect to main or somehow not add this part into adress
    • lmiol
      03 September, 2024
      i can send you Premium template with fixed problem of Load more. There is no adding to URL.
      You can make sure here
  • lmiol
    30 August, 2024
    Related posts Date is not autolocalized by blog language. i am can see Agustus instead of August
  • lmiol
    30 August, 2024
    And also please test Related Posts (bottom) if exist only 1 current post with 1 Label exist. At yours test-blog there is no post with only 1 label, they all contains 2. Because Related Posts goes to infinite loading. But i think it should be hided or show random
    • lmiol
      30 August, 2024
      i found temporary solution to use display:none for .related-bottom in style tag
      in posts with single label until i create second post with same label
  • lmiol
    30 August, 2024
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  • lmiol
    30 August, 2024
    Also template have a BUG. click in label Photo for example. After that you will se active button "Muat artikel". After click on in infinite "Memuat..."
    Expected result no button because no results for next page

    and same problem for Recent Posts with button "Muat artikel"
    Last buttin "Muat artikel" shows even if no results of next page
    • lmiol
      03 September, 2024
      it seems it is a problem of Blogger, not your template.
  • lmiol
    29 August, 2024
    How to disable TOC? i have messages without 2 headings so i have error in console
    (IGNIPLEX) Headings are less than 2. Cannot generate TOC.
    because of this problem in post the images and related posts are not loading

    i tried in Configuration TOC type set up to 0
    toc: {
    type: 0,
    title: 'Daftar Isi',
    selector: 'h2, h3, h4',
    overlay: false,
    but it only hide TOC, and error is not dissapears
    • lmiol
      10 September, 2024

      Also i want to create my own simple TOC and it doesn't work because of yours one. and type: 0 not disables code
      its a big problem, idk how to fix
  • lmiol
    29 August, 2024
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  • Ehsaaan
    23 August, 2024
    mau lapor bug kecil tp lumayan penting jg. fungsi tombol salin yang ada di elemen pre code kalau misalkan kita nulis elemen pre code nya dalem innerHTML javascript tombol salinnya gak muncul. ya walaupun jarang org nulis begitu tp buat sy penting sih. sekalian mau tanya juga, klo misalkan ada update kecil gitu yang udah expired free update nya apakah bakal dapet jg? terima kasih semoga dibales.
  • Dipak Suryawanshi
    Dipak Suryawanshi
    20 August, 2024
  • Admin
    03 July, 2024
    Halo kak, untuk beberapa aplikasi pencarian seperti versi mobile tidak responsif, hanya setengah layar yg ditampilkan. Thanks
    • Admin
      03 July, 2024
      Halo. Harap sertakan link untuk gambar screenshotnya ya kak.
    • Admin
      03 July, 2024
    • Admin
      03 July, 2024
      Aplikasi default bawaan hp Vivo. Kalo menggunakan crome dan Opera mini tak ada masalah.
  • Sunits Devi
    Sunits Devi
    06 June, 2024
    Hi it's awesome 😎
  • Mang Dadan
    Mang Dadan
    25 May, 2024
    Fitur "Text to Speech", waktu saya coba Dengarkan gak full speech-nya sesuai artikel ya kak?
    • Mang Dadan
      02 June, 2024
      berati artikelnya kepanjangan.
  • Nguyễn Bá Chỉnh ☭ ™︎
    Nguyễn Bá Chỉnh ☭ ™︎
    19 May, 2024
    The comment box on my blog has errors
    • Nguyễn Bá Chỉnh ☭ ™︎
      19 May, 2024
      If you've purchased the theme, contact me.
    • Nguyễn Bá Chỉnh ☭ ™︎
      Nguyễn Bá Chỉnh ☭ ™︎
      20 May, 2024
      Sorry for bothering you, I can fix it
  • Ehsaaan
    05 May, 2024
    ini saran aja semoga direspon diupdate selanjutnya. masalah tampilan di fitur lightbox image. ukuran dan posisi gambar di lightbox ngikutin ukuran dn posisi gambar aslinya. jadi klo posisi gambar rata kiri/rata kanan (lebar nya gak full) pas diklik tampilannya jadi jelek. apalagi klo ukuran gambar punya tinggi diatas 800px, tombol close/silang buat nutup popup lightbox tertutup (contohnya ada di ss). kalo bisa sih tampilan gambar dlm lightbox image nya dibuat rata tengah.

    contoh tombol close tertutup :

    yg kedua:

    dn kalo bisa sih fitur lightbox image nya bisa disesuaikan lg supaya gak otomatis ke semua gambar di postingan gt. terima kasih.
  • Mohammad Bulbul Sikder
    Mohammad Bulbul Sikder
    17 April, 2024
    Slider not working
    • Mohammad Bulbul Sikder
      17 April, 2024
      It's working just fine.
  • Rio Odestila
    Rio Odestila
    08 April, 2024
    Header menu dropdownnya, terbatas dipasang 3-5. Jika pasang lebih dari 5 maka menu profil dll yang ada di kanan bakal melewati batas ukuran blog dan keluar dari desain template.
    • Rio Odestila
      Rio Odestila
      08 April, 2024
      Berharap bisa diperbaiki seperti
      1. Dibuat jika melewati batas bagian header menu, maka menu dropdown bakal turun ke bawah yang masih dalam satu area
      2. Dibikin bisa slide
      3. Posisi menu pindah

      FItur yang diharapkan, slider di home bisa ditampilkan dalam bentuk portrait kayak Custom Post 4B
  • Arief Ghozaly
    Arief Ghozaly
    31 March, 2024
    Halo, mba igniel... bukan bug tapi report, dalam artian masukan.
    Barangkali ada kepikiran buat nambah model Related Posts seperti menurun ke bawah. Ada niat untuk dibeli tapi berharap ada tambahan model pada tampilan di Related Posts.
    • Arief Ghozaly
      01 April, 2024
      Menurun ke bawah gimana kak maksudnya? Karena related yang sekarang modelnya juga ke bawah.
    • Arief Ghozaly
      Arief Ghozaly
      01 April, 2024
      Seperti itu mba 🙏
    • Arief Ghozaly
      03 April, 2024
      Oh...iya bisa diganti kok, cuma tambah CSS dikit aja nanti.
  • Onur Batur
    Onur Batur
    29 February, 2024
    Hi. Manual Ads and Similar Posts plugins added to the article are mixed in with the tables or codes in the article. There is also a < p > tag among the codes in the article. I think this is a mistake. Maybe it can be fixed. In short, similar articles plugin and in-article ads penetrate the documents in the article and cause scrolling.
    • Onur Batur
      Onur Batur
      22 March, 2024
      Also, some minor bugs...
      + In dark mode, the comment form background remains white.
      + When the image is opened in "Gallery (Swipe)" Safari mobile, the image remains in the background and looks blurry.
    • Onur Batur
      Onur Batur
      25 March, 2024
      + The thumbnails of the articles on the home page appear zoomed in. It doesn't fit right. It's like it was cropped. If there is a special post image, it does not look aesthetic. There is already a zoom effect on hover. Can we fix this..
    • Onur Batur
      Onur Batur
      25 March, 2024
      + In some comments, users wanted to make an explanation, but they were inadequate. I wanted to mention it when I saw it myself. Any pop-up window that opens will be closed with the "X" (close) icon or automatically closed when you click on an empty area of the screen. It's always worked this way.
      However, in our theme, the pop-up window with "Delete Comment, Copy Link, Visit Profile" buttons does not close even when we click on the empty space. Moreover, when you press the same place in another comment, both of them remain open. The same problem applies to "Bookmarks" in the menu above.
    • Onur Batur
      25 March, 2024
      1) Related post is placed exactly at the middle of the article, depends on how many paragraphs you have. If that's the case, it means the middle section is happened to be inside the table. I will improve this so it won't appear inside the table.
      2) Comment form is provided by Blogger / Google using iframe. We cannot toggle the text color. However, some developers use a "neutral" color like gray so the text still visible on dark mode. I don't really like this idea because the visibility is not that good. So I use white background to make the text still visible in dark mode.
      3) Igniplex use 3:4 image ratio. Zoomed images normally because user use a different ratio.

      For the Safari browser, I'll check it right away.
    • Onur Batur
      Onur Batur
      25 March, 2024
      Thank you for your feedback. This design is already perfect with its appearance. I'm trying to help as much as I can to prevent a single mistake and to improve it. Thanks.🙏
    • Onur Batur
      Onur Batur
      01 April, 2024
      I would like to make some small suggestions. I would be very happy if you would like to add it.🙏🏻
      + Announcement boxes, will look better in dark mode with different colors. It currently has the same colors in both looks.
      Also, I'm sure it would be more perfect if the dark mode could be automatically adjusted according to the system.
      + I would like to use icons similar to the existing svg icons to add to the theme. But I couldn't find any results about which source was used. It would be nice if the name of the source of the svg used or sample svg codes were added to the documents.
      + A more pleasing style can be added for form boxes such as Text Area (Text Field) and Form Props. When clicked, the placeholder (textarea title) moves (pops out) at the top or can react with a color effect. The any form may have a text box that will react when clicked. I hope I could explain.
    • Onur Batur
      Onur Batur
      01 April, 2024
      + I don't know if it is possible, but when visitors want to search, it would be nice if you list results not only by title but also by content.
      Sister, I think I stated too much.😊 I'm sorry about that.
  • PasarJagad
    30 January, 2024
    mbak, itu GALLERY GRID ga bisa cuma 2 gambar ya?. grid column nya tetap untuk 4 gambar, jadinya ada white space besar di bawah gambar.
    • PasarJagad
      30 January, 2024
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    • PasarJagad
      30 January, 2024
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  • Igzein
    04 December, 2023
    mba, font di error (internet baik) jadi font nya gak ke load.
    • Igzein
      05 December, 2023
      Ada-ada aja sampe CDN juga diblokir 😅
      Nunggu 3 hari dulu. Kalau masih diblokir baru ganti CDN.
    • Igzein
      06 December, 2023
      kalau fitur light box image itu bisa dimatiin gak ya/diatur manual, biar gak semua gambar di postingan kena light box image nya.
  • Igzein
    11 October, 2023
    fitur text to speech klo setting di bahasa Jepang ga keluar suaranya. saya kirain di blog saya aja yg gk bisa trnyata di sini juga sama.
    • Igzein
      11 October, 2023
      Coba install dulu Text-To-Speech bahasa Jepang di browsernya. Ketersediaan dan variasi bahasa TTS tergantung browser masing-masing.
  • Qowim Musthofa
    Qowim Musthofa
    04 October, 2023
    Header blog ada tanda --> sudah cari kode sesuai di dokumentasi <!----></head> tapi tidak menemukannya.

    blog saya
    • Qowim Musthofa
      04 October, 2023
      Bukan bug kak. Itu ada di dokumentasi langkah terakhir. Silakan dicek.
  • Erwin
    19 September, 2023
    icon shere twitternya kak
  • SusahTidur ID
    SusahTidur ID
    15 September, 2023
    Mba igniel mau kasih tau aja template igniplex v3 udh ada di situs orang india ka di sebarkan secara gratis tanpa harus memasukin license apakah template ini ada kelemahan nya hehee
    • SusahTidur ID
      15 September, 2023
      Iya udah tau kak.
  • SusahTidur ID
    SusahTidur ID
    06 September, 2023
    Mba igniel untuk convert gambar menjadi kode svg gimna ya mba buat logo di blog
  • Fika
    10 August, 2023
    kak mohon bantuannya untuk custom post silder, thumbnailnya jika disetting "num" nya di angka 3 ke atas, selalu tidak muncul. Namun jika 1 ke 2 pasti muncul
    • Fika
      10 August, 2023
      Bukan bug kak. Itu postingannya baru ada 3, jadi kalau diset 3 ke atas gak muncul. Jumlahnya harus lebih kecil dari jumlah postingan.
  • Wira Saksana
    Wira Saksana
    19 July, 2023
    Kapan nih akan di release sitemap v3?
  • DeviTia
    18 July, 2023
    Ijin kak igniel, ketika saya membuat html list dengan type ="A" di mode html view dan saya bertukar mode ke compose view maka hasilnya sama yaitu list huruf A dst tetapi ketika saya publish atau masih di preview kode html list saya tidak sesuai dengan hasil ketika di publish. Yang di html <ol type="A"> <li>pilihan 1></li></ol> maka seharusnya hasilnya A. Pilihan 1 tetapi ketika di publish hasilnya 1.Pilihan 1 (Mohon Bantuannya Kak)
    • DeviTia
      18 July, 2023
      Saya juga sudah laporkan lewat email dan Wa ya kak
    • DeviTia
      18 July, 2023
      Sudah fixed ya kak.
  • Ehsaaan
    26 June, 2023
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    • Ehsaaan
      26 June, 2023
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    • Ehsaaan
      26 June, 2023
      This comment has been removed by the author.
  • Admin
    25 June, 2023
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  • Arief Ghozaly
    Arief Ghozaly
    08 June, 2023
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  • Anime Haki
    Anime Haki
    17 May, 2023
    Hi Igniel,
    How to change navigation to Infinitescroll as i can't see an option to change in documentation???
    • Anime Haki
      18 May, 2023
      It's clearly on documentation. I've replied your message on WhatsApp.
  • Admin
    11 May, 2023
    halo kak laporan bug di chrome dan edge... jika saya memakai brave atau firefox menerapkan tema gelap akan seterusnya jadi tema gelap bahkan jika klik salah satu post akan seterusnya gelap. jika menggunakan chrome, edge (belum tau dibrowser lain) ini pindah dari satu post ke home misalnya tema gelap balik lagi ke tema cerah. dan untuk ke tema gelap pun itu butuh 2x klik
    • Admin
      18 May, 2023
      Baik kak.
      Bug dark mode ini baru sekali dilaporkan. User lain tidak mengalaminya. Jadi boleh diinfokan pakai Windows berapa dan Chrome versi berapa?
  • Admin
    11 May, 2023
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  • Admin
    11 May, 2023
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  • SusahTidur ID
    SusahTidur ID
    02 May, 2023
    Mba biar label dipake icon svg gmana ya jadi ga # tanda pagar tapi icon svg
    • SusahTidur ID
      18 May, 2023
      Iya bisa. Sudah saya balas di WhatsApp.
  • Naufal Al Rafsanjani
    Naufal Al Rafsanjani
    20 March, 2023
    Mbak, tulisan artikelnya bisa diperbesar gak? Ini bukan bug sih, cuma salah satu keresehan waktu dulu beralih ke template ini.
    • Naufal Al Rafsanjani
      20 March, 2023
      Tentu bisa diperbesar kak.
    • Naufal Al Rafsanjani
      Naufal Al Rafsanjani
      27 March, 2023
      This comment has been removed by the author.
  • Jejak
    02 March, 2023
    Lapor teh, gue belom dapet update
    • Jejak
      12 March, 2023
      Silakan chat ke WA dengan konfirmasi alamat email.
  • Abdul Latif
    Abdul Latif
    01 March, 2023
    Untuk parallax adsnya kok enggk muncul yah kak?
    • Abdul Latif
      03 March, 2023
      download ulang aja
    • Abdul Latif
      12 March, 2023
      Sudah muncul setelah diperbaiki. Silakan download ulang. Atau chat jika tidak mau setting ulang keseluruhan.
  • Wira Saksana
    Wira Saksana
    25 February, 2023
    Related posts dibawah artikel hanya menampilkan 5 artikel jika dibuka via desktop, entah ini bug atau bukan..
    • Wira Saksana
      25 February, 2023
      Bukan bug mas. Saat komentar ini ditulis, jumlah artikel dengan label "Blogger" cuma ada 9. Di related tengah ada 4, jadi di related bawah cuma kebagian 5 (meskipun di konfigurasi fiturnya diset 6).
  • Admin
    25 February, 2023
    Berarti aku dapat update nya, habus di akhir Desember kemaren🙏🙏🙏
  • Nandar IR
    Nandar IR
    22 February, 2023
    Pas swipe artikel paling atas (di bawah menu dropdown) majunya terlalu cepat, jadi beberapa artikel kadang terlewat. Padahal pas nge-swipe nya juga gak terlalu pake banyak tenaga. Mungkin cuma terasa di hp saya. 😅
    • Nandar IR
      24 February, 2023
      Oke sudah diperbaiki 🙌🏻
  • Randi Iskandar
    Randi Iskandar
    21 February, 2023
    Bug: Menu opsi komentar (delete, copy, visit) tidak auto hide.
    • Randi Iskandar
      21 February, 2023
      Tidak auto hide gimana maksudnya mas? Memang perlu aksi klik dulu.
    • Randi Iskandar
      Randi Iskandar
      21 February, 2023
      Iya, perlu aksi. Setelah klik, popup dari menu opsi lain tidak hilang, jadinya numpuk.
  • Andd
    19 February, 2023
    Apakah yg sudah membeli tema igniplex v2.6 juga akan mendapatkan update v3 secara gratis.
    • Andd
      19 February, 2023
      Iya jika pembeliannya masih kurang dari setahun.
    • Andd
      19 February, 2023
      Kalau pembeliannya lebih dari setahun apakah tetap dapat update v3 mba.
    • Andd
      Nandar IR
      20 February, 2023
      Izin bantu jawab. Kalau lebih dari setahun nggak dapet. Tapi bisa di update dengan hanya membayar 50% dari harga asli.
    • Andd
      Wira Saksana
      20 February, 2023
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    • Andd
      20 February, 2023
      Iya dapat v2.6 yang juga nanti diupdate scriptnya. Bukan v3 ini.

      Kecuali yang habisnya di 2022 masih bisa ada kompensasi dapat v3.
    • Andd
      20 February, 2023
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    • Andd
      20 February, 2023
      Iya mas, makasih infonya. Di member area saya, free update igniplex v2.6 saya, berakhir di desember 2021. Apakah tetap dapat update v3
    • Andd
      20 February, 2023
      Kalau berakhir di 2021 mohon maaf mas belum dapat v3. Karena kelamaan. Itu pasti sudah dapat update v2.5 dan v2.6 sebelumnya.
    • Andd
      20 February, 2023
      Maaf mba. Sejak pembelian pertama saya, saya cuma dapat v2.6 saja.
    • Andd
      20 February, 2023
      Mas belinya bukan saat v2.3 awal rilis berarti ya? Nanti v2.6 juga akan diupdate mas.
    • Andd
      20 February, 2023
      Ya mba, betul sekali
    • Andd
      28 February, 2023
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  • Andhika Nanda
    Andhika Nanda
    16 February, 2023
    [BUG Fitur Baru] Bacakan

    cuma membacakan beberapa kalimat saja diawal, setelah itu diem aja
    • Andhika Nanda
      16 February, 2023
      Pakai windows berapa mas?
    • Andhika Nanda
      Andhika Nanda
      16 February, 2023
      windows 10 mb
    • Andhika Nanda
      Irwanda Rizky
      24 February, 2023
      windows 11 juga begitu mbak
    • Andhika Nanda
      26 February, 2023
      Oke dicek dulu. Saya gak pakai windows jadi agak susah ceknya.
  • Sutran Prastowo
    Sutran Prastowo
    15 February, 2023
    Apakah sudah suport auto ads?
    • Sutran Prastowo
      15 February, 2023
      Iya sudah. Aktifkan aja auto adsnya di akun AdSense masing-masing.
  • Wira Saksana
    Wira Saksana
    14 February, 2023
    Bug Ads Preview di Adsense yg redirect ke blog demo apakah sudah fix diversi ini?
    • Wira Saksana
      14 February, 2023
      Sudah mas.
Middle Ads (desktop post only).
Will be replaced with PARALLAX ADS on mobile.