عرض الكل المشاركات
Laporkan Bug v2.6

Laporkan Bug v2.6

Silakan laporkan bug pada halaman baru: Bug Report v3 . Igniplex dibuat dengan sepenuh hati dan teliti. Namun mustahil ada hal yang sempurna.…
Cara Memunculkan Kotak Author di Bawah Postingan

Cara Memunculkan Kotak Author di Bawah Postingan

Kotak author box di bawah postingan dalam template Igniplex otomatis diambil dari profil Blogger. Jika tidak muncul, ikuti langkah berikut.
Split Halaman Pada Blogspot (Seperti WordPress)

Split Halaman Pada Blogspot (Seperti WordPress)

[ MULAI HALAMAN 1 ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed scelerisque sagittis sapien. Donec et vehicula leo, iaculis conse…
Blogspot Pagination Demo

Blogspot Pagination Demo

Appeared on the question, for geography is one of the pet subjects of the English; and the columns devoted to Phileas Fogg's venture were eage…
My Travel Experience to Japan. It's So Much Fun!

My Travel Experience to Japan. It's So Much Fun!

Beyond the futuristic imagery of its cities, much of Japan is rural or wilderness, especially outside the Kanto and Kansai areas. In the…
(Table) Jewelry for the Giant Panda

(Table) Jewelry for the Giant Panda

Name: Susan Cohn Rockefeller. Age: 60. Hometown: New York City.
Articles No Less Passionate Than Logical

Articles No Less Passionate Than Logical

Appeared on the question, for geography is one of the pet subjects of the English; and the columns devoted to Phileas Fogg’s venture were eagerly dev…