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Igniplex v3 All Style (Typography, Elements, Gallery, etc)

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Ini adalah pindahan dari halaman Igniplex v2.6 Style.
Igniplex Theme Documentation

NORMAL FONT. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Cara menggunakan dan memanggil semua elemen di bawah ditulis di tutorial member area.

Heading <H2>

Subheading <H3>

Minor heading <H4>



E = MC2
Zoetami (link)

<mark> (highlight)

Syntax Highlighter

You can add class to display what kind of code it is.

1. Classic

.post-body pre {
  background-color: #333;
  border-left: 5px solid #009688;
  padding: 0;
  margin: .5em auto;

B. Multi Tab Syntax

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
.post-body pre {
  background-color: #333;
  border-left: 5px solid #009688;
  padding: 0;
  margin: .5em auto;
!function() {
  // Estimated Reading Time by
  const post = document.querySelector('.post-body')[0],
    tx = post.innerText,
    wpm = 225,
    wd = tx.trim().split(/\s+/).length,
    tm = Math.ceil(wd / wpm);
  if (document.querySelector('.read-time')) {
    document.querySelector('.read-time i').innerText = tm;

Tombol (Button)

A. Fill

B. Outline

Kotak (Box)

Box default
Box green
Box blue
Box red
Box yellow


A. Default

Social media marketing, social media optimization, blogger tutorial for beginners. Stimulate your passion! #Nganggurpreneur

B. Dengan Author

Karena sesungguhnya sesudah kesulitan itu ada kemudahan.
QS,. Ash-Sharh:5


All images will be clickable and displayed into Lightbox.

A. Default Blogger

Image dimension is according to selected size in Blogger editor.

Default style of image with caption on Blogger editor
Default style of image with caption on Blogger editor

B. Figure

Standard figure tag with figcaption. Even if don't have <a href> tag, image still displayed into Lightbox.

Standard figure HTML tag
Standard figure HTML tag

C. Gallery (Carousel)

Multiple images with carousel style. Very similar to Instagram gallery. Scroll or click arrow button to navigate.

D. Gallery (Swipe)

Multiple images with swipe style. Best for mobile view. Lighter than carousel.

E. Gallery (Grid with Show All)

Images will be displayed as grid. If you have more than 4 images, Show All function will be added automatically. It's similar to Facebook gallery style.


Create multi tab with unlimited content. You can add up to as many as you want because the title will be scrollable.

  • First Tab
  • Second Tab
  • Third Tab
  • Fourth Tab
Content of the first tab (1st).
Content of the second tab (2nd).
Content of the third tab (3rd).
Content of the fourth tab (4th).


Hide or reveal contents. Very common in FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) section.

Accordion Open By Default Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
Accordion Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.


Show / hide content with click event to trigger.

Spoiler Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.


Lazy load YouTube video will make your pages lighter.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris tristique lobortis orci ac lacinia. Fusce eu purus eget diam vehicula auctor nec eu elit. Morbi consequat facilisis orci vel malesuada. Donec ultrices molestie sollicitudin. Aliquam pharetra libero enim. Donec et suscipit massa. Donec dui odio, dignissim non sodales et, tincidunt a sapien. Phasellus elit nibh, adipiscing sed blandit vel, interdum et arcu.


No. Nama Kota
1 Igniel Sukabumi
2 Rain Bandung
3 RedSky Jakarta
4 Queen Bekasi
5 Bjita Tangerang
6 Alphabetees Bogor

Ordered List

List with number.

  1. Satu satu satu
  2. Dua dua dua
  3. Tiga tiga tiga
  4. Empat empat empat
  5. Lima lima lima
  6. Enam enam enam
  7. Tujuh tujuh tujuh
  8. Delapan delapan delapan
  9. Sembilan sembilan sembilan
  10. Sepuluh sepuluh sepuluh

List with alphabet.

  1. Alpha
  2. Blue
  3. Charlie
  4. Delta
  5. Ethan

Unordered List

Is a list without number.

  • Satu satu satu
  • Dua dua dua
  • Tiga tiga tiga
  • Empat empat empat
  • Lima lima lima
  • Enam enam enam
  • Tujuh tujuh tujuh
  • Delapan delapan delapan
  • Sembilan sembilan sembilan
  • Sepuluh sepuluh sepuluh


  1. Satu
    1. Satu satu
      1. Satu satu satu
  2. Dua
  3. Tiga
  • Satu
    • Satu satu
      • Satu satu satu
  • Dua
  • Tiga
  1. Satu
    • Satu satu
      • Satu satu satu
  2. Dua
  3. Tiga
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Silakan berikan komentar. Centang kotak "Notify me" untuk mendapatkan notifikasi via email jika ada yang membalas komentar.
  • Athyy
    04 October, 2024
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  • Hamza
    14 September, 2024
    Thank you for the Template Queen👑
  • lmiol
    13 September, 2024
    implement image slider from here
  • alip
    31 August, 2024
    Template ini Ukuran teks pada artikel bisa di perbesar lagi tidak?
    • alip
      01 September, 2024
  • NewBie
    08 August, 2024
    untuk random post yang diberanda itu bisa di custome menjadi 2 label nggak ya kak?
    kalau bisa caranya gimana?
  • İsmail Şevik
    İsmail Şevik
    07 August, 2024
    When will you upload this theme to Gumroad?
  • alip
    31 July, 2024
    itu "related posts" nya bisa di ubah biar tidak ada gambar nya?? apa harus edit lewat html?
    • alip
      01 August, 2024
      Bisa. Gak perlu lewat HTML lagi. Langsung dari pengaturan Blogger.
  • Nguyễn Bá Chỉnh ☭ ™︎
    Nguyễn Bá Chỉnh ☭ ™︎
    24 May, 2024
    Where do you get these codes?
    • Nguyễn Bá Chỉnh ☭ ™︎
      24 May, 2024
      First step: don't use illegal version.
    • Nguyễn Bá Chỉnh ☭ ™︎
      Nguyễn Bá Chỉnh ☭ ™︎
      25 May, 2024
      What is the second step?
    • Nguyễn Bá Chỉnh ☭ ™︎
      25 May, 2024
      Buy the original.
    • Nguyễn Bá Chỉnh ☭ ™︎
      25 May, 2024
      If you've purchased the theme, contact me.
    • Nguyễn Bá Chỉnh ☭ ™︎
      Nguyễn Bá Chỉnh ☭ ™︎
      26 May, 2024
      How to contact you?
  • Admin Blog
    Admin Blog
    25 March, 2024
    Akhir-akhir ini loading lazyloadnya untuk halaman home dan relared artikel sering lambat bahkan kadang tidak terload, apakah penyebabnya?
    • Admin Blog
      25 March, 2024
      Sepertinya ada hubungannya dengan update Blogger yang udah mengeluarkan fitur lazyload bawaan. Akan saya pelajari dulu.
  • Guru Digital
    Guru Digital
    13 March, 2024
    Untuk sitemap V3 kapan dirilis mbak atau justru langsung loncat ke V4 karena semua template lama udah V4 ?
    • Guru Digital
      13 March, 2024
      Igniplex belum tentu ada v4. Sementara ini, desain yang sekarang sudah final. Yang ada hanya update rutin untuk fix bug. Sepanjang v3 dirilis sudah ada beberapa kali update, tapi salah saya gak ditulis changelognya karena bukan update besar-besaran.

      Kalau template premium saya, jika beda versi (misalnya v3 ke v4) berarti update-nya besar-besaran banget dan rombak layout. Jika sekedar tambah fitur dll akan ditulis v3.1, v3.2, seterusnya.

      Jadi untuk sitemap baru akan masuk ke v3.1.
    • Guru Digital
      Guru Digital
      18 March, 2024
      Baik mbak, saya harap untuk font bisa dibesarkan sedikit, soale terlalu kecil-kecil, seperti dibagian daftar isi pada tampilan mobile dan untuk tombol fitur bisa di close tanpa harus menekan kembali fiturnya, misal pada bagian TOC.
  • Admin
    22 December, 2023
    mba ada cara ga biar postingan nya bisa full widht, bukan semua tapi hanya satu postingan yang di inginkan
  • Gaurav
    16 December, 2023
    Hi Igniel,
    I'm interested in purchasing this template. I've reached out to you but haven't received a response in 15 days. Could you please assist me?
  • Aiyan Dzi
    Aiyan Dzi
    02 December, 2023
    I have been using this theme and found some problems as user i have seen that if we use this theme in desktop the text size is very large as compared to other text example if you are seeing this comment on pc you will see that this text is very larger but if you reply this comment that text is very small as compared to the comments so pls fix that it looks very weird and i will be updating you with some more problems to fix to make the user experience better.
  • Anime upload
    Anime upload
    21 September, 2023
    All code please
  • Kamisato Ayaka
    Kamisato Ayaka
    20 September, 2023
    saya perpanjang pas 2.6 rilis tp kgk ada update sama sekali, biaya perpanjang brp utk saia
  • Niteen Maurya
    Niteen Maurya
    10 September, 2023
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  • Niteen Maurya
    Niteen Maurya
    02 September, 2023
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    • Niteen Maurya
      02 September, 2023
      Contact me if you've purchased Igniplex.
  • Master Oppa
    Master Oppa
    12 August, 2023
    Help. Custom-post-1 (Style 1) has 2 widget. How to add two more widget?
    • Master Oppa
      12 August, 2023
      If you're a member, email me.
  • Drg No
    Drg No
    10 August, 2023
    Wooh this is an awesome theme
  • Abe (
    Abe (
    02 August, 2023
    Sebagai orang yang lumayan gaptek soal dunia blogging (khususnya terkait utak atik tema blog biar estetik), jujur tema ini bener2 membantu banget sih buat blogger yang pengen punya tema keren tapi ga paham dunia wordpress. Maklum, selama ini yg temanya keren2 kan blogger wordpress... hehehe. Semoga ke depannya bakal diupdate lebih keren lagi dan makin banyak fiturnya :)
    Btw mau tanya, kak. Sorry kalau oot. Ilustrasi2 kartun yang ada di postingan2 blog ini bikinnya via apa, ya? Sering banget liat seliweran tapi ngga tau carinya dimana hehe
    • Abe (
      04 August, 2023
      Terima kasih. Semoga Igniplex selalu update mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Aamiin~

      Untuk gambar ilustrasi bisa dicari di (yang berlisensi gratis). Udah tinggal download aja.
  • Erwin
    21 July, 2023
    semoga kedepannya ada untuk versi wordpressnya juga :)
  • Aiyan Dzi
    Aiyan Dzi
    19 July, 2023
    The theme is well designed but i found two things you should include first There is no button to return home when someone is reading your article if he wish to come back how can he come directly second you have provided the dark theme button inside the menu so if someone is new how can he know that and a simple advice the dark theme colour you used is not in black it is blue you can use black shades to look it more beautiful
    • Aiyan Dzi
      19 July, 2023
      Just simply click the header to go back to home 😃
    • Aiyan Dzi
      Aiyan Dzi
      20 July, 2023
      Nice bro but how new user should know
    • Aiyan Dzi
      04 August, 2023
      It's very common in many sites, including social media like Facebook and Twitter. The difference is, they use "back button" instead of clickable header. But the action and the position are exactly the same. It's natural for users to go back to home by clicking it.
    • Aiyan Dzi
      Aiyan Dzi
      05 September, 2023
      Great Thinking
  • Ehsaaan
    09 July, 2023
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  • Huyền Cương Cư Sĩ
    Huyền Cương Cư Sĩ
    17 June, 2023
    Cara menggunakan semua fungsi di atas. tolong bimbing
    • Huyền Cương Cư Sĩ
      17 June, 2023
      Restricted only to members who have purchased this theme.
    • Huyền Cương Cư Sĩ
      Huyền Cương Cư Sĩ
      24 June, 2023
      I want to buy this theme. please guide me to buy
  • smiley
    15 June, 2023
  • İsmail Şevik
    İsmail Şevik
    11 June, 2023
    Wouldn't it make more sense to sell this theme through platforms such as Etsy, Gumroad?
  • A Vèo
    A Vèo
    25 May, 2023
    Cho tôi một bản template qua Paypal nhé!
    • A Vèo
      26 May, 2023
      English please.
    • A Vèo
      09 July, 2023
      Mksudnya dia: Beri saya template melalui Paypal
  • Exami Result
    Exami Result
    20 May, 2023
    What is Multiple Tabs with Unlimited Source Code?
    • Exami Result
      A Vèo
      25 May, 2023
      Theme đẹp
  • Admin Blog
    Admin Blog
    11 May, 2023
    Mbak kalau boleh request, tolong tambahkan pop up cookie dan guide list. Terimakasih.
  • ExamiResult
    05 May, 2023
    how to make Mega Menu In blogger.
  • İsmail Şevik
    İsmail Şevik
    28 April, 2023
    By the way, why did you delete the Igniel blog?
  • Ray Almalik Ernando
    Ray Almalik Ernando
    27 March, 2023
    Mba aku mau tanya biar bisa muncul daftar isinya gimana ya pada di postingan
    • Ray Almalik Ernando
      28 March, 2023
      Daftar isi otomatis muncul jika jumlah heading (h2 / 3 / h4) ada lebih dari satu.
  • Elanaus
    23 March, 2023
    mbak ini ada versi AMP nya ndak? :((
    • Elanaus
      28 March, 2023
      Belum ada kak 🙏🏻
  • Elanaus
    23 March, 2023
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  • Hamzah
    13 March, 2023
    Mbak mau nanya, di template ini bisa ga di bagian postingannya jadi fullpage, jadi sidebar hidden, terimakasih sebelumnya mbak
    • Hamzah
      28 March, 2023
      Iya bisa kak
  • Caffs
    13 March, 2023
    Templatenya sangat bagus.

    tapi menurut saya terlalu memaksa seperti UI aplikasi. para user pada stuck tampilan karena terlalu perfeksionis. Buat para blogger, ingat. esensi kalian itu nulis konten.

    Kalau udah beli template ini tinggal pake aja, udah bagus bgt
    gak usah neko neko, nulis nulis dan nulis :)
  • Servour
    10 March, 2023
    Um, aside from this page, do you have an online documentation page or something?

    Kek yang di sebelah kan ada tuh docsdotjagoblablaladotcom.

    Pure nanya
    • Servour
      10 March, 2023
      I do. Since the very first day in 2019. Di member area khusus.
    • Servour
      10 March, 2023
      Di atas ada tulisannya sih kalau gak notice.

      "Cara menggunakan dan memanggil semua elemen di bawah ditulis di tutorial member area."
    • Servour
      11 March, 2023
      Sweet. Thanks for convincing me to buy this. I'll contact you shortly after I'm ready to make the purchase.
  • SusahTidur ID
    SusahTidur ID
    07 March, 2023
    Mba kalo yg dulu udh beli yg v2 apa harus bayar full untuk v3 nya
    • SusahTidur ID
      King Rockson
      20 March, 2023
      Yes, you'll have to pay half of the money for a renewal after one year
  • Muhammad Ari Wibowo
    Muhammad Ari Wibowo
    01 March, 2023
    mba igniel, untuk yg terakhir kali beli v.2.6 ga dapet pembaruan ke v.3.0 ga ya? karena kemarin pakai v.2.6 sebentar doang karena gambar ga muncul di chrome kirain ada update lagi ternyata udh lompat ke v.3.0
  • Wernayasa
    28 February, 2023
    Selama sudah merilis versi baru Igniplex.
    Sedikit kritik dari saya:
    Tag blockquote seharusnya diakhiri dengan tag figcaption atau cite.
    Tag figure boleh mengandung beberapa tag img, tidak perlu dipisah, karna gambarnya kucing semua, lalu akhiri dengan tag figcaption kucing.

    • Wernayasa
      28 February, 2023
      Iya bebas aja kalau penulisan kode HTML figure. Mau dipisah atau digabung tergantung penulisnya.

      Yang blockquote sudah ada 2 versi. Pakai author dan tidak. Yang pakai author ujungnya diakhiri pakai footer buat info authornya. Bukan cite sih. Bukan penulisan baku. Bisa ditentukan sendiri sama penulis mau pakai footer atau cite.
  • Rio Agustya
    Rio Agustya
    28 February, 2023
    Gilaa keren banget sih ini
  • aCademi Course
    aCademi Course
    28 February, 2023
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    • aCademi Course
      28 February, 2023
      Terima kasih banyak 🙌
  • Admin
    25 February, 2023
    Kapan rilis nih udah gak sabar
    • Admin
      28 February, 2023
      Sudah rilis di 27 Februari 2023 ya kak.
  • Tehnosia Web
    Tehnosia Web
    23 February, 2023
    Kapan Rilis Versi 3 nya
    • Tehnosia Web
      28 February, 2023
      Sudah rilis di 27 Februari 2023 ya kak.
  • SouletZ
    19 February, 2023
    kapan terbitnya ini ka
    • SouletZ
      28 February, 2023
      Sudah terbit di 27 Februari ya kak.